Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Library Assignment - January 2006

Country Study – Media

Objective: Students will become aware of how the media influences our perception of a country.

**News reporters make live broadcasts seem easy and effortless, but it takes a great deal of training and practice to become a respected news reporter. As you complete this assignment, you will find firsthand what reporting the news is like as you practice your summarizing and vocal skills.

Pre-Internet Activity:

The first task you will be assigned will be to watch the evening news at your home. Discuss with another family member the details of one of the stories that interests you. Take note of the manner in which the reporter communicated the story: What was his/her attitude? How was she/he dressed? Where did the reporter stand? In which direction did he/she face? Did the reporter’s face give away any hints as to how she felt about the story? Etc.


You have been assigned a partner to work with throughout this activity. The two of you will have a chance to gather the latest “scoop” off the Internet about your countries and report the news to the class in a professional manner like a real-life news reporter. You will be the anchor(s) for the “Grand Coulee News”. Each of you will gather 3 news articles (6 per pair) that you will report on. One person will be reporting at a time, and your partner will work as your technician operating your slide show. As well as your news articles, you will have to gather slides which can be used with your report. When you switch with your partner, you will do so using a smooth transition such as, “I’ll now turn the news over to …”

You will be given 5 Resource Centre classes to gather your articles, slides, and practice your news report. We will begin our presentations on Feb. 14/07.