Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Write in sentences. Include these two topics:
a. Describe the relationship of Mozart and his father.
b. How did this relationship influence Mozart's career?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Current Assignments for Mrs. Baril

Library and Science Assignments

This is the next assignment for Library:

Stewart Nicks Goes To The Movies
Students must design an original movie poster based on an age appropriate book. The poster must show a "scene" from the chosen book. The students must also list some of the "stars" (main characters) of their book and a brief description of the plot - in the cliff hanging fashion of a movie ad.n A final touch is a "rating" - 1,2, or 3 stars (***) - to serve as a mini-review of the book.

To complete the poster, students may use magazine pictures, felt-tipped markers, paints, or a combination of these materials.

Movie posters are due April 26th. Any concerns or questions, come to me in advance of the due date.

At-home Science Assignment:

In February, Gr. 7/8 students were given an assignment to research and report on any man-made structure. They were given specific criteria to follow for this project.

The second part of this assignment is an "at-home" project in which the students are to create and construct a miniature 3 dimensional model of the structure they reported on. We will use 2 in-class periods to get the students started on this assignment. In those classes, we will brainstorm various materials and supplies students may need in order to complete this project. They will also be given time to plan and sketch their designs.

Students will need to break down this assignment into manageable tasks. The first task will be to develop a plan of how you will achieve your goal of completing this assignment thoroughly and on time. Your second task will be to decide on the type of materials and supplies you will need. You will then be required to gather these materials as needed. Your third task will be to draw a sketch of your structure. Next, you will have to physically construct your miniature model of your man-made structure. The final component of this assignment will be to prepare a 2-3 minute speech discussing your structure to your classmates. (No notes or cue cards will be allowed for this part.)

The due date for this assignment is May 15, 2006. You will be evaluated on each task individually. Samples of marking rubrics (criteria) will be given t each student as this assignment progresses stating the types of information you will be evaluated on.

A helpful hint may be to schedule the individual tasks using a calendar so that you do not leave everything to the last moment. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this assignment, please come to me in advance of the due date.